Monday, October 13, 2008

Unsung Hero

This was a very tough decision to make as their are so many candidates for Unsung Hero.

There is Alison, the resident marine biologist for the sharks. She has been working there for 2 years recording shark information and trying to get a database organised. She is also a BBBB but she kept making fun of my accent (don't worry Alison I didn't mind!)

Another Candidate would be Anthony - the skipper on the boat who has been working with sharks for 8 years and is completely mad.

Then there is Benz the deckhand who literally showed myself and the other volunteers Chad, Kevin and Roland the ropes.

Then there is Kari and Lisa (Mama Whale) who both work on the whale boat - and in Mama whales case sometimes on the water outside the boat!

Not forgetting all the girls in the office who do all the organising of trips (esp Natalie who managed to book me on a shuttle today even though she was 50 miles away in Hermanus - thanks)

In the end there could only be one person Jose Luis Zuniga - AKA Pepe

Pepe is Mexican and works on the whale boat with Kari and Lisa. This is the second time he has been over from Baja (where he lives and works with whales) for the Southern Right whale season but already he seems to know everybody in the area. So why Pepe.

Well I am being selfish - Pepe lives with us in the volunteer house and he just happens to love cooking and is very very good at it. He can work wonders with carrots, mushrooms and garlic producing appetizers that are out of this world. This is a typical side salad which he just flung together!

He has also been able to drive us drunken volunteers to and from the local pubs in Gansbaai as there is nothing of note near the house.

Cheers Pepe. I will have a tequila shot tonight in your honour!

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